Yesterday night...or ummm morning was crazyyy! First, Amber, Alana, and Melissa called me up and said they were then they came over to my house and we chilled there for awhile...then I decided to sneak out and go with was already really late but oh well, I wanted to have some fun. So we just told my mom that we were having a sleepover at Amber's (which was true)...then I went and took my van cuz my mom wanted me home early the next day to babysit my lil brother. So after we were outta my and Amber were like racing each other at 12 midnight down Park was funnnn but my van sorta lost control...cant' really race in that huge thing! Alana was like praying for her life ahahaha it was funny! (not to her though)...did some not-so-safe drive on the wrong side of a 2 way street..but oh well, I didn't see any cars coming! Alana was screaming her head off though. Anyways...after we dropped my car off at Amber's, me and Alana went and rode w/ Amber and Melissa in Amber's car and we went to go get Krispie Kreams...omg, Amber was driving crazyyy....she was going 105 miles on the highway and when there was this one dip in the residential area...where you're supposed to slow down to 5 miles an hour...she went like 95 miles an hour and the car FLEW! We were in the air and I was scareddd! It made like a big crashing sound when we hit the ground... It was so much fun though! That gurl needs to enter her car in a asian rice rocket race!!! . Oh oh...I took Amber, Alana, and Melissa to Krispie Kreams...they are so deprived! It was their first time there! Oh yea...before we tped, we ate a dozen donuts together...but Melissa was getting sick off them...even though she only ate 1. And I just kept eating them cuz Krispie Kreams are da best. But...a lot of Pepsi and a lot of donuts mixed together at 2am was not a very wise combination...I just started burpin all over the place...annoyed the heck outta Amber and then didn't feel so well. At around 2 in the morning, we drove out and tped someone's truck and then tped someone's house...did both of them pretty well. It was fun...sneakin around and getting into mischeif. Then Melissa, Amber, and Alana...I don't know what the heck they were doing...cuz I fell asleep after we tped someone's house and ran out of toilet paper. I guess everyone else went to 7eleven to buy napkins (they didn't sell tp) and then they stole and bunch of huge orange construction cones from this construction highway site. Ok, if I got caught doing that I knew I'd be busted...especially if it was a cop that saw us steal that stuff...then everyone stole a buncha road signs...and put them in the person's driveway..the house that we tped. Sucks for him...but ohh was fun! I kinda fell asleep on the last part so I missed part of the excitement. Oh yea...that night/morning we went tping, we stopped by 7 eleven like 4 times...and there was that weird man working there...he scares me! After we tped...we all drove back to Amber's and fell asleep outside on her driveway. I was freezin my butt off but it was ok since I had a fat ol' sleeping bag. It was nicer outiside I guess...fresh air. Thank goodness we didn't get eaten by coyotes or something...but Amber's neighborhood is really safe so nothing boogie man, coyotes, or ghosts....very much unlike my house! I swear the thing is haunted...
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