Today has been...interesting! I went to hang out with some friends today and we went to see the parade in was cool to see all our bando friends there...MC kicked butt! Anyways...after that we went to go visit someone at work....then grabbed a bite to eat...the rest of the night was crazy! After watching the fireworks at Mt. Carmel, all the crazy stuff started...we threw water balloons at people driving by and then we went to hilltop park and got drunk...all these people were staring at us.. damn....actually we were just drinking Martinelli's...but Alana swears that the berry kind tastes like wine. So we were sitting there drinking our bottles of Martinelli's and I guess we drank too much cuz we were feeling kinda then we started getting all giggly and acting like we were drunk and crazy. Well guess what? uh-huh...more people started staring at us and this one man followed us and kept staring until we finally got in the car and drove off. We hung out until real late and the rest is history...tonight has been crazy, weird...but fun. Oh yea...and don't watch the Discovery Channel anymore cuz it's R-rated!
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