It's the last quarter of the year! And end-of-year exams are sneaking up on us once again.
I trust that all you students are studying really hard.
As always, Chords Haven is here to help you! To secure the coveted A or rather avoid the dreaded F.
Last year, we highlighted the 10 songs you should not listen to during exam period.
These 'sinister' songs fill your subconscious with subliminal messages that lead you to flunk your exams.
And yea, there is always the one who doesn't listen.
This year, we scour our library to identify 13 such mandarin songs.
考试避听歌曲. Be warned.
01. 蔡健雅 - 空白格 |
Curse: Q1: Blank. Q2: Blank. Q3: Blank...
我的卷子 ~留了太多空白格~
02. 郭富城 - 难道你现在还不知道 |
This song has two possible effects:
Curse#1: Questions so hard you don't know the answers even after the exam.
Curse#2: Questions so hard that you didn't notice it was hard. Even now.
03. 林俊杰 - 学不会 |
Curse: No matter how many times you revise, you still can't understand the content.
04. 戴佩妮 - 时间快转 |
Curse: Panic attack during exam. Clock seems to spin so fast, everything goes to a blur; becomes disoriented and helpless.
~时间快转 它不停的快转 旋转我跟着旋转
失去方向我没有方向 迷失方向我模糊了焦点
想不通太多道理呀 就把它遗忘~
05. 曹格 - 单数 |
Curse: Single digit score. Upon 100.
06. 张栋梁 - 错了再错 |
Curse: Q1: Wrong. Q2: Wrong. Q3: Wrong...
07. 周杰倫 - 最长的电影 |
Curse: You realise that you've forgotten everything that you've studied just before exam. And you scramble through your notes at the last minute.
08. 孙燕姿 - 愛情字典 |
Curse: You bring the wrong dictionary to your writing exam: brought the 'Dictionary for Lovers' instead of the Chinese dictionary.
And suddenly you forgot how to write the word '永远'
09. 李玖哲 - 想太多 |
Curse: You literally think too much for every question.
10. 范玮琪 - 是非题 |
Curse: Paper filled with ambiguous true/ false questions.
11. 方大同 - 每个人都会 |
Curse: You can't even solve a single question and was expecting to rant about how difficult the paper was with your friends afterwards.
Turns out, everyone else could do the paper.
12. 岑宁儿 - 没那么简单 |
Curse: A sinister paper that lets you think that the questions are very simple.
But they are not.
13. 陈伟联 - 爱恨难 |
Curse: Paper with 2 killer questions - part (i) and part (n).
~只是 (i) 也难,(n) 也难…~
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