Michelle Phan and Dominique Capraro - How they met

Michelle Phan and Dominique Capraro - Part II

OK it seems like this post is by far my most popular post on this blog. It's crazy, it's freaky, it's weird and it's funny! I had no idea that this would happen. That this one post would drive so many people to my blog.

Anyway, for fans of Michelle and these love birds, she's made a sweet little video about how they met and their long distance relationship that they did for 2 years before finally meeting up again in person. There's no new information about her/their life but her drawing and video editing talents are nicely displayed here. It's hard not to get emotional while watching this.

Check it out here:

and I hope you had a nice Valentine's day no matter if you are single or coupled up! The most important thing to remember is to love yourself first.


PS I watched Frozen and it is amazing!
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