London Olympics 2012 sports French vocabulary

Some sporting vocabulary!

Diving Plongeon
Swimming Natation
Synchronized Swimming Natation synchronisée
Water Polo Water-Polo
Canoe/Kayak (sprint, slalom) Canoë-kayak (course en ligne, slalom)
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Mountain Biking Cyclisme VTT (Vélo tout terrain)
Road Cycling Cyclisme route
Track Cycling Cyclisme piste
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Artistic Gymnastics Gymnastique artistique
Rhythmic Gymnastics Gymnastique rhythmique
Trampoline Gymnastics Gymnastique trampoline
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Beach Volleyball Beach-volley
Indoor Volleyball Volley-ball en salle
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Equestrian - Dressage Sports équestres - Dressage
Equestrian - Eventing Sports équestres - Concours complet
Equestrian - Jumping Sports équestres - Saut d'obstacles
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Freestyle Wrestling Lutte libre
Greco-Roman Wrestling Lutte Gréco-romaine
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Archery Tir à l'arc
Athletics Athlétisime
Badminton Badminton
Basketball Basket-ball
Boxing Boxe
Fencing Escrime
Field Hockey Hockey sur gazon
Football Football
Handball Handball
Judo Judo
Modern pentathlon Pentathlon modern
Rowing Aviron
Sailing Voile
Shooting (air rifle, pistol, skeet, trap) Tir (carabine, pistolet, skeet/tir aux plateaux, trap)
Table Tennis Tennis de table
Taekwondo Taekwondo
Tennis Tennis
Triathlon Triathlon
Weightlifting Halérophilie

So as you can see, many words are the same (some with just a hyphen added) but some are totally different. I learnt a few new words by doing this exercise! :D

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